Monday, March 23, 2015

Thank America's Teachers-Feature K. Burgan's Proposal

The Farmers Insurance Company Sponsored  Thank America's Teachers would like to highlight K. Burgan's proposal.  She is a  teacher at Columbia Central Jr. High School with many areas of expertise.


Her proposal would bring to her students a fun and adventurous fitness experience. She would use the grant funds to purchase and install a rock climbing wall in the gymnasium.  She enjoys watching her students work hard on their fitness and this would give them variety and a new challenge to improve their fitness.

Different from other activities, rock climbing builds upper body strength and balance in a new and exciting way. This challenge accommodates everyone's abilities helping them with coordination, balance, and muscle strength while giving them a motivation of reaching new goals.

Creative additions are to be incorporated to vary the climbing experience and provide students with a way to increase their  problem solving skills.  By adding hula hoops and noodles the kids will be encouraged to greater feats and utilize a cross curriculum that exercises their problem solving skills in math.  All safety equipment is included with the rock wall.


You Can Vote Once a Day Until the End of March.
Please Vote and Get Others to Vote With You.

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